Bylaws of Rhythm Nation

Currently proposed, not yet ratified. Adapted from DSA bylaws

Article I. Membership

Section 1.

Applicants for membership in the organization shall agree with the principles of the organization and pay dues. The amount of dues assessed shall be determined by the organization through a membership voting process.

Section 2.

Members will receive the organizational outreach publication. Members are encouraged to participate in political activities and education. A member is in good standing only if their payment of dues is current. Only members in good standing are eligible to hold office in the organization. Membership in the organization may be maintained by persons who are up to one year late in payment of dues. Such members may cure their arrearage and place themselves in good standing by paying their dues. The organization may also vote to waive the requirement of any member to pay dues if 75%percent of present voting members agree to such waiver.

Section 3.

Members can be expelled if they are found to be in substantial disagreement with the principles or policies of the organization or if they consistently engage in undemocratic, disruptive behavior. Members facing expulsion must receive written notice of charges against them and must be given the opportunity to be heard before the NPC or a subcommittee thereof, appointed for the purpose of considering expulsion. 75% percent of the present voting members must agree to any removal of a member.

Section 4.

Members must pay dues to remain active, either on a monthly or annual basis, provided, that payment made be waived by 75% percent of the present voting members for economic hardship. Amount of dues for membership shall be determined by 75% percent of the present voting members  at the annual meeting. 

Section 5.

Members are eligible to vote on issue and candidate endorsements. We need to be careful not to endorse too quickly, especially on controversial issues, because it could lead to the group splintering. When an issue or candidate endorsement is proposed, establish a working group to research and come up with a formal proposal. When the working group has a first draft, they read it / send it to the group to gather feedback. No voting, just open ended feedback. When the working group has a second draft, they read it / send it to the group again. If there's a 75-80% consensus, vote on it.

Article II. Locals

Section 1.

Charters may be granted to Locals upon submission of an application which contains a statement of agreement with the principles and policies of the organization, a description of the geographic area to be served by the Local, and the signatures of 15 or more people who are members of the organization and who wish to be members of the Local, except that in special circumstances, charters may be granted to Locals submitting applications with 10 to 14 signatures. Special circumstances are defined to include the establishment of Locals in areas of low population.

Section 2.

The organization shall produce a Standard New Local Constitution by which all newly chartered Locals shall operate. New Locals shall elect leadership in accordance with the Standard New Local Constitution. The Local’s members may vote to ratify a new Constitution, at which time the Local shall submit to the organization  a file copy of their Constitution (and any subsequent changes therein). Such Constitution shall contain provisions which call for at least two meetings per year of the Local. It shall contain provisions for making constitutional amendments. It shall contain provisions for the election of officers of the Local. Each Local shall submit to the organization  information about the financial status of the Local.

Section 3.

Groups of five or more members in a geographic area may become Organizing Committees upon approval by the organization. Such Committees may become Locals upon attainment of the requirements described in Section 1 of this Article. Such Organizing Committees shall receive from the organization  information relevant to the formation of a Local, including criteria for chartering, and such guidelines for Local work and policy as are adopted by the organization.

Section 4.

Charters for Locals may be revoked by the organization  if the majority of members of a Local are found to be in substantial disagreement with the principles, practices and policies of the organization, or if the membership in the Local falls below 15 (except in special cases), or if the Local does not function for an extended period of time. A new Local for the geographic area may be granted a Charter following the revocation of a previous Charter upon application as described in Section 1 of this Article.

Article III. State and Regional Organizations

Section 1.

Charters may be granted to State Organizations upon submission of an application which contains a proposed Constitution for the State Organization and the signatures of the officers of at least two Locals already chartered within the state boundaries. Upon receipt of such application, all Locals with the state shall be polled regarding the establishment of said State Organization.

Section 2.

The Constitution for the State Organization shall include provisions for holding at least one state-wide meeting annually and for the election of Local representatives to the State Organization and for the election of officers. Model Constitutions shall be available from the National Office. State Organizations shall submit changes in the Constitution and financial information to the National Office on a regular basis.

Section 3.

Charters shall be granted to Regional Organizations upon submission of an application which contains a proposed Constitution for the Region, a description of the geographic boundaries of the Region, and the signatures of the officers of at least three Locals already chartered within the proposed boundaries of the Region. Upon receipt of the application, all Local and State Organizations with the Region shall be polled regarding the establishment of said Regional Organization.

Section 4.

The Constitution for the Regional Organization shall include provisions for the holding of at least one Regional meeting annually, for the potential establishment of subregions within the Regions, and for the election of officers and for the election of State and Local representatives to the State Organization. Model Constitutions shall be available from the National Office. Regions shall submit changes in the Constitution and financial information to the National Office on a regular basis.

Section 5.

Charters for State or Regional Organizations may be revoked by the NPC if the State or Regional Organization is found to have substantial disagreement with the principles, practices and policies of the organization or if fewer than two Locals are chartered within a state or fewer than three Locals are chartered within a Region. A Regional Charter may also be revoked upon petition of a majority of Locals within a Region. Such petition shall include the reasons for revocation. New State or Regional Organizations may be chartered following revocation of a previous Charter upon application as described in Article IV of these Bylaws.

Article IV. Youth Section

Section 1.

A Youth Section shall be chartered by the National Convention. Such a Charter shall be granted upon the submission of an application which contains a proposed Constitution for the Section, a description of the membership and work of the Section and the signatures of 50 members of the organization who wish to be members of the Section.

Section 2.

The Constitution of the Youth Section shall contain provisions for the holding of meetings, for the election of officers of the Section and for the election of representatives to the NPC. Changes in the Constitution and in- formation on the financial status of the Youth Section shall be submitted on a regular basis to the National Office.

Section 3.

The Youth Section shall be organized to provide a forum for communication and to promote the interests and concerns of members of the organization who are less than 31 years of age or who are full-time students.

Section 4.

The Charter of the Youth Section may be revoked by the NPC if the majority of members of the Section are found to be in substantial disagreement with the principles, practices or policies of the National Organization or if a majority of members are under the discipline of any self-defined democratic-centralist organization or if the membership falls below 50. A new Section may be chartered following the revocation of the previous Section Charter upon application as described in Section 1 of this Article.

Article V. Officers

Section 1. Number of Officers. 

The officers of the organization shall be a President, one or more Vice-Presidents (as determined by the Board of Directors), a Treasurer, and a Secretary. Two or more offices may be held by one person. The President may not serve concurrently as a Vice President. 


The President shall be the chief executive officer and shall preside at all general membership meetings and its Executive Committee, which is comprised of all elected officers.

Vice President. 

The Vice President shall perform the duties of the President in the absence of the President and shall assist that office in the discharge of its leadership duties. 


The Secretary shall give notice of all general membership meetings, shall keep an accurate list of active members, and shall have the authority to certify any records, or copies of records, as the official records of the organization. The Secretary shall maintain the minutes of general membership meetings and all committee meetings they preside over. 


The Treasurer shall be responsible for conducting the financial affairs of the organization as directed and authorized by the Executive Committee, if any, and shall make reports of corporate finances as required, but no less often than at each meeting of the Executive Committee. 

Section 2. Election and Term of Office. 

The officers shall be elected annually by the active members, immediately following the annual meeting. Each officer shall serve a one year term or until a successor has been elected and qualified. 

Section 3. Removal or Vacancy. 

Active members shall have the power to remove an officer or agent of the organization. Any vacancy that occurs for any reason may be filled by a special election of members. 

Article VI. Committees

Section 1.

Members will have the option to join committees and attend smaller meetups with fellow committee members. These will be once or twice a month and, in most cases, be held on zoom.  

Section 2.

The agendas for the NPC meetings will be proposed by the Secretary, unless a chairperson has been elected to lead a specific committee. These shall include, on a regular basis, discussion and supervision of staff, finances, publications, education, general political direction and coalition work.

Section 3.

Pressing issues may be placed on an agenda for an NPC meeting by a petition of 20% of locals or 8% of members. The Secretary or presiding committee chairperson shall publish the language of a petition at the time that it is successfully submitted and call for comments from the general membership. After the meeting the NPC or a committee thereof shall publish a report, separate from the normal minutes, detailing the debate surrounding the petitioned issue and any decisions that were made to address it.

Section 4.

The NPC may appoint committees to supervise specific work; these shall report to the NPC. They include, but are not limited to:

Political committee

This group vets various candidates and initiatives, prepares to put them up for a vote with members. It also tracks developments of endorsed candidates and initiatives and creates calls to action to support them. 

Events committee

This group is in charge of the planning and logistics of all in-person events that serve the needs of the organization. Members of this committee decide which artists are booked at events. 

Digital comms committee

This group posts on social media, sends emails and handles replies to those messages. Ideally also develops relationships with press and other entities to help them grow. 

Membership committee

This group is in charge of reaching out to members proactively, listening to their needs, keeping those who have made organizing commitments accountable and handling dues collecting issues. 

Infrastructure committee

This group is in charge of IT and financial systems needed to sustain the organization. Works with other groups to ensure they have the tools and resources they need to achieve their goals. 


Article IX. Publications

Section 1.

There shall be two general and regular publications of the organization. These shall be an outreach publication and a discussion bulletin. Members shall receive the outreach publication and may receive the discussion bulletin for a fee above dues set by the NPC, which fee shall be lower for members paying low-income dues set by the NPC than for members paying regular dues. Subscriptions may be available to non-members for a fee set by the NPC. Commissions may publish other bulletins as approved by the NPC. Other literature, including pamphlets and brochures, may be published as directed by the NPC.

Section 2.

The NPC, in consultation with the Managing Editor and the Editorial Board, may appoint one or more editors-in-chief of the general outreach publication. The NPC will be responsible for the editorial supervision of all publications. Editorial responsibility for the general outreach publication and the discussion bulletin shall be determined by the NPC as described in Article X, Section 3 of the Bylaws.

Section 3.

Funding for publications shall be provided in the organizational budget.

Article X. Polls

Polls of the members on specific issues may be held upon petition of one-half of the Locals or one-third of the members. Such polls shall be advisory and not binding.

Article XI. Amendments

These Bylaws may be amended at a meeting by a three-fifths vote of the members voting and present provided that written notice of such amendments has been given to members one month prior to the Convention.